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FREE To All Registered Attendees January 25 - January 28, 2024
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Never miss another important, educational event from 360 Summits
FREE To All Registered Attendees January 25 - January 28, 2024
By submitting this form, I consent to receive offers and related promotional content and communications from the Market Mastery Trading Summit & 360 Summits. I can withdraw my consent at any time. Privacy Rights.
Here's What You'll Learn
...From Our World-Class Experts In Their Sessions!

Eliminate the Risk of Making the Wrong Hiring or Firing Decisions

A bad hire can cost you millions in lost opportunities, time and cause your "A" players to leave. Learn who, what , where and how to hire for retention and maximum ROI.

Smart Delegation Secrets: Finally Let the Responsibility Go With Confidence

Stop being the bottleneck!! We're shortening the learning curve on delegation so you can get out of your own way and start truly working on your business instead of IN your business.

Maximize the Impact You Can Create With the Time You Have

Your time is your most valuable asset. Uncover the hidden strategies that will allow you to multiply your time and impact without sacrificing quality.

The Foundational Systems That You ABSOLUTELY MUST Have

Put an end to the endless options of tech overwhelm. Discover the foundational systems that every business must have to simplify operations and accelerate growth.

Simplifying Your Tech - Even If You're Tech Challenged

Don't let tech barriers hold you back from your success. Learn how to simplify your tech and tools you to navigate the digital landscape with ease.

Systems That Can Help You Work Less and Earn More

We're revealing proven systems that can drive revenue and growth. Unlock the true potential of systems so you can work less and earn more. 

Understanding the Power of Automation And What to Automate First

Stop wasting time and energy on repetitive tasks. Join us to learn the power of automation and how to leverage it to streamline your operations and increase efficiency.

The Truth About AI and How to Use It Before Your Competitors Leave You In The Dust

Are you ready for the AI revolution? We're revealing the truth about AI, it's impact on the future of your business, and how to use it to stay ahead of your competition.

Focus Your Attention and Eliminate the Shiny Object Syndrome That's Keeping You Stuck

Don't let distractions derail your success. Join us to uncover practical strategies for focusing your attention, eliminating distractions, and achieving your goals.

End The Cycle Of Overwhelm and Exhaustion

Learn and leverage proven strategies that put a permanent end to the cycles of overwhelm, exhaustion and burnout. Explode your energy and focus into new levels of productivity

Beating Perfectionism: Building Fail-Proof Systems Fast

Learn how to stop wasting resources on procrastination and build your customized formula for systems that make massive progress towards your goals. 

The Process for Creating Processes

Simplify your operations and increase efficiency by getting your process out of your own head. Learn the cheat codes for creating processes and achieving success.

Cultivate a Team Culture That Ignites Growth

The ultimate up level of your business and fast track to unlimited growth. Get the inside track on building a team of A-players!

The Other 36 Hours...

Redefine the reality of a four hour work week. We'll show you how to make it happen and how to leverage your new "bonus" time opportunities.

Cracking The Code to Create Customers For Life

Understand the full power of satisfied customers and raving fans. Learn the strategies for maximizing LTV and customer retention to accelerate your growth.

Writing Emails Customers Actually Want To Read

Write open-worthy emails that entertain and excite customers. We'll show you how to achieve higher engagement rates. Join us to learn the secrets of effective email automation.

Must Have Accounting Systems Every Business Needs

Experience accounting practices that don't drain the life from you. Learn the simple, must-have accounting systems that your business needs to achieve profitability and peace.

Becoming Bold And Decisive: Making Better Decisions With Confidence

Indecision may be the biggest hidden expense in your business. Learn the strategies for making better decisions with confidence and achieving your goals.

Stay Or Go: Building and Optimizing Systems That Stick

Learn how to build and optimize systems that serve you through the growth phases of business. Stay ahead of the curve and optimize your systems for success.

Untangling Tech Threads: Organizing Conversations

Don't let tangled tech threads hold you back from success. We're revealing the strategies for organizing conversations and streamlining communication for you, your clients, and team.

More Time For Play: The Myth of Work/Life Balance

Explore a different approach to re-defining success and balance without sacrificing your personal life. Break away from status quo and find more time for play.

Taming Your Calendar to Take Back Your Time

Discover the biggest drain on your calendar and  hidden pockets of time for the biggest needle movers in your business. We're sharing the secrets to the power of prioritizing your calendar. 

Found Money: Hidden Profitability Hacks

Discover the digital dollars that are currently buried in chaos. Dive into the profitability of organizing your most valuable data in an easy and accessible system.

Spreadsheet Millionaire: Mastering Spreadsheet to Make Millions

Uncover the millions lurking between columns and rows to become a spreadsheet millionaire. Unlock the simplest and most profitable tools that most businesses miss.

Keeping Your Promise: Delivering a Valuable Experience and Reliable Results for Customers

Dissect the innerworkings of delivering consistent results. Learn how to create your own fulfillment formula that you, your team, and customers truly enjoy!

Leads For Life: Uncover Hidden Traffic Sources That Are Right In Front Of You

Quit wasting time and resources searching for qualified buyers. Join us to uncover the hidden traffic sources and create systems that generate leads for life.

Creating Campaigns That Convert

Master your marketing and end the loop of constant content creation. Learn how to plan ahead, automate the moving parts, and create campaigns that convert.

Onboarding and Offboarding: Automating White Glove Systems That Wow Your Clients

Personalizing client experiences doesn't have to be overwhelming. Join us to automate your white glove systems and wow your clients with minimal effort.

Building an Unforgettable Brand Presence

Stand out from the noise and command attention. Join us to learn the strategies for effective branding, positioning, and increasing your visibility.

The New Frontier Of Paid Media: How To Stay Profitable And Relevant

Everything you need to understand to avoid ineffective paid media strategies. Navigate the new frontier of paid media and capitalize on the unique opportunities in this economy.

When to Hire a Virtual Assistant to Multiply Your Time 

Don't let the fear of delegation hold you back from success. Accelerate the moves to hiring a virtual assistant. We're covering the who, the what, and the how.

Knowing Your Numbers: Mastering KPIs, Cashflow & Profitability

Identify the key KPIs that influence your cashflow, and profitability. Learn what's really behind the numbers that drives your goals, what to focus on and what to let go of.
We've Left Nothing Out Of This Exceptional Educational Experience!  
Meet Your Summit Host - Kaci Brown
I am a Business Consultant & Marketing Strategist that helps visionary entrepreneurs who want to make an impact as much as an income launch and scale online.

I use my unique experience and background in relationship marketing to help others turn their passion into a scalable, profitable business that creates a ripple effect to pay it forward in BIG ways.

I have been blessed to serve as one of a handful of individuals selected to coach within Russell Brunson’s (ClickFunnels) Two Comma Club Coaching Program, am founder of the Amplify Coaching Program, #1 Amazon Best Selling Author, and recently launched the Brace For Impact weekly podcast to help encourage others to fully step into purpose to create a legacy of impact with the gifts and talents they were given.

I am also the Co-Founder of Identify Online Community where she is extremely committed to helping impact-driven entrepreneurs grow, scale, and thrive in a like-minded network rising together faster than they ever could alone.
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